Setting Up the Port Trigger List About the Port Trigger List Provided is an example of what the Port Trigger List looks like and how to set it up. After you have selected the Port Juggler icon, you will see the "Which port is the Port Juggler connected to?" splash screen. Once you have choosen a port and selected OK you will see a blank Port trigger List on the right side of the Chooser. Select a Port Juggler port from the "Port" menu and then assign your device to it, from the "Devices" menu. Once, you have assigned all your devices you will need to shutdown your Mac and configure your hardware to match the Port Trigger List you just created.   Menus There are two popup menus located on the bottom of the right side of the Chooser. The first menu is the "Port" menu. This port tells the Port Juggler which ports your devices are connected to. You have a choice of "1, 2, 3 or 4". Port Menu   The phone icons represent the Port Juggler's ports when it is configured for the modem port and the printer ports represent the Port Juggler's ports when it is configured for the printer port. Devices Menu   The second menu is the "Devices" menu. This is where you select your actual device or program that is attached to your Port Juggler's ports. When you first select the "Devices" menu you will get a general list of categories. Selecting the specific category will allow you to choose your specific device. Devices or programs that are not in the categories can be manually selected from the "Other..." option. Other...   For devices or programs that are not in our " Devices" menu, selecting "Other..." will prompt a dialog window to appear. This dialog window will allow you to navigate through your hard drive and select specific devices or programs. The three commom uses for the "Other..." option are for printers, communication programs and MIDI programs. The printers can be found in the Extensions folder of your System folder. The communication and MIDI programs are usually located in their respective folders. Below is an example of the dialog window that will appear when the "Other..." option is selected.   Editing the Port Trigger List (Remove)   If you need to edit or change your Port Trigger List settings, this can be done by selecting the "Remove" option from the "Devices" menu. In order to remove an item from the Port Trigger List you will need to first highlight the item you want removed, then go to the "Devices" menu and select the "Remove" option. This will remove the item selected. Localtalk & Networking   Appleshare: Select Appleshare if you connect to another Mac as a client on a Localtalk network. File Sharing: Select File Sharing if this Mac is a server (other Macs connect to your Mac on a Localtalk network). LaserWriter and LaserJet Utilites: Select either option if you use these utilities to configure your Localtalk printers. Localtalk Games: Select these games if you are playing over a Localtalk network.